Bowling Green State University

Events: October 2, 2022

Oct 1 Oct 3
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BGSU Flute Festival

Sun, Oct 2, 2022

Moore Musical Arts Center, Bryan Recital Hall

The BGSU Flute Fest will feature workshops, masterclasses, and performances for interested flute players.  Workshop: Cobus du Toit 10am Choral Rehearsal Hall: "IronFlute: incorporating endurance training principles into your daily playing for faster progress and more successful performances." ​​​​​​​ Recital: Terri Sánchez and the BGSU Flute Studio 11am Bryan Recital Hall   Masterclass: Cobus du Toit 1pm Bryan Recital Hall   Clinic: Terri Sánchez Gorgeous Sound Secrets 2:30pm Choral Rehearsal Hall   Clinic: Terri Sánchez Gorgeous Sound Secrets 2:30pm Choral Rehearsal Hall
This is a past event.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Sun, Oct 2, 2022

Various Locations

Empty Place at the Table Oct. 3-31 | Various BGSU Dining Halls This exhibit honors and recognizes women and children in Northwest Ohio who have had their lives taken due to domestic violence. All stories have been provided by the Bethany House in Toledo, OH. Red Flag Campaign Display Oct. 17-21 | Outside of Education Building The Red Flag Campaign encourages students to practice Green Dot bystander intervention when they see warning signs, or “red flags,” of unhealthy relationships. Red flags will be displayed representing the most recent number of reported acts of dating/domestic violence in Wood County.  Clothesline Project Oct. 19 | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Firelands Campus Oct. 20 | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. | BTSU Oval In partnership with The Cocoon, BGSU will display t-shirts from an ongoing collection from victims/survivors have created to voice their experience with sexual assault. Join us to read through the experiences members of the BGSU and Bowling Green community have faced.  Silent Witness on Campus Oct. 25 | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. | outside Falcon Outfitters BGSU will host a display of the Silent Witness Project, which Project memorializes people killed in acts of domestic  violence. The project will be on display outside of Falcon Outfitters in the Student Union. 
This is a past event.

Giving VOICE: Native American Printmaking from Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts

Sun, Oct 2, 2022

Fine Arts Center, Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery

Curated by Robin Reisenfeld, former curator of works on paper at the Toledo Museum of Art, and faculty member in modern and contemporary art at Christie’s Education, New York.  Giving VOICE: Native American Printmaking showcases recent Native American prints from Crow's Shadow Institute of Art, located on the Umatilla Reservation in northeastern Oregon. With its roots in collaborative practice and community, Crow’s Shadow was established in 1992 by James Lavadour (Walla Walla) and Phillip Cash (Cayuse and Nez Perce) to foster economic and cultural development for Native American artists. Since its founding the Institute has grown into an internationally acclaimed printmaking atelier that is widely recognized for its role in sustaining contemporary indigenous visual art. Featuring 40+ works created by many of today’s leading artists, Giving VOICE portrays a variety of experiences and themes found within contemporary indigenous art. Created through diverse styles and processes, works range from Marie Watt’s recent woodcut designs that symbolically allude to the war protests and anti-hate content of the 1960’s, to Raven Chacon’s lithographic series of musical notations dedicated to Indigenous women composers. Other artists such as James Lavadour, Kay Walking Stick and Emily Arthur make the natural environment and the connection to the land their focus. Alternatively, Wendy Red Star’s and Jim Denomie’s ironic depictions address communal history and identity to reclaim their indigenous heritage and counter misunderstandings about Native people. Though highly individual in approach and content, collectively these works display what Choctaw/Chickasaw art historian heather atone has termed “an active sense of presence,” and attest to how Crow’s Shadow’s artists innovatively utilize printmaking to powerfully convey indigenous cultural and social values and a communal sense of belonging.   Gallery Hours Monday:  CLOSED Tuesday - Saturday: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.   Closed University Holidays
This is a past event.

Latina/o/x Heritage Month Flag Display

Sun, Oct 2, 2022

BGSU Firelands, Falcon Square, North Building

Enjoy the flags of hispanic and latin american countries. Hispanic Heritage Month takes place between September 15 to October 15 every year as a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino community. Beginning in 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month was originally observed as “Hispanic Heritage Week” under President Lyndon Johnson, but it was later extended to a month during President Ronald Reagan’s term in 1988. The month also celebrates the independence days of several Latin American countries, including: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua on September 15th, Mexico on September 16th, and Chile on September 18th. They also include holidays that recognize Hispanic contributions such as Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day that is celebrated in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
This is a past event.

Portrait of the Artist, Running: The Times and Art of Daniel Bennett Schwartz Opening Reception

Sun, Oct 2, 2022

Fine Arts Center, Willard Wankelman Gallery

Free and open to the public
Opening Reception: Friday, September 23rd at 6pm   BGSU is pleased to welcome an important work into the Fine Arts Center collection, Portrait of the Artist, Running by Daniel Bennett Schwartz (b.1929 - d. 2020). To celebrate the arrival of the painting, School of Art director Charlie Kanwischer, has curated an exhibition focusing on the process that the artist used to create his masterwork over a period of 16 years.   The exhibition will be on view from Sept. 16 - Oct. 30, 2022 and will be accompanied by a full-color catalog. 
This is a past event.

Mogadishu Mile Memorial 5K Run

Sun, Oct 2, 2022 9am to 12pm

BGSU Quad by the BGSU letters

This is a memorial run for Operation Gothic Serpent, also known as Black Hawk Down. The event will take place on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 and is a 5K run/walk. This event is to spread awareness and knowledge about the actual event, as well as, to meet and interact with veterans from that day. The run is a fundraiser event for the non-profit Three Rangers Foundation, they are an organization that helps active duty army rangers transition from military life to civilian life. The event will be open to the public, so that it can serve as a way to connect student veterans with the community and with the school itself. Learn more at
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Brunch with the Birds

Sun, Oct 2, 2022 10am to 12pm

The Oaks

    Enjoy a delcious brunch with the birds. Freddie and Frieda are excited to interact with your family for a high five, photo and maybe an autograph! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost to participate: No pre-sale tickets will be sold. Simply head to the Oaks for your meal. Breakfast tickets must be purchased in order to participate. $11 - For guests and students who do not have a meal plan. $0 - For students who have a meal plan that covers All You Care to Eat dining facilities.  
This is a past event.

BGSU Women's Soccer vs Ball State

Sun, Oct 2, 2022 1pm to 3pm

Bowling Green, Ohio, Cochrane Stadium

BGSU Women's Soccer vs Ball State TV: WBGU-TV (YouTube) Streaming Video:
This is a past event.

Family Weekend Women's Soccer Game

Sun, Oct 2, 2022 1pm

Cochrane Soccer Field

Come join us as we cheer on the Women's Soccer team as they compete against Ball State!
This is a past event.

BGSU Ice Hockey at Northern Michigan

Sun, Oct 2, 2022 6:07pm to 9:07pm

Marquette, MI, Berry Events Center

BGSU Ice Hockey at Northern Michigan Radio: BGRSO Streaming Video: Streaming Audio:
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