Bowling Green State University

Events: April 11, 2022

Apr 10 Apr 12
This is a past event.

Administrative Staff Council Annual Award Nominations Open Through April 15

Mon, Apr 11, 2022

The Administrative Staff Council is seeking nominations for its 2021-2022 awards recognizing outstanding administrative staff members.   Administrative Staff Awards: Dr. Michael R. Ferrari Award: Recognizes the administrative staff member of the year   Newcomer of the Year Award: Recognizes the best new administrative staff member   Diversity and Belonging Award: Recognizes a staff member, office or group who has demonstrated a commitment to advancing a positive culture of diversity, equity and belonging at BGSU   Best of BG Award: Recognizes staff who have done something innovative or show extreme commitment to their particular offices on campus   Nomination deadline is April 15, 2022 Award winners are announced and all nominees are acknowledged and honored at the annual Administrative Staff Council Awards and Recognition Reception. This year's event is on Thursday, May 5 from 3-5 p.m. in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union Ballroom. Save the date!   Questions? Contact Administrative Staff Council at
This is a past event.

Environmental Messages Tour

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 8am

BGSU Campus

Earth Month is a perfect time to take a stroll outside on campus and enjoy beautiful weather, trees, flowers, nature, and all that the BGSU campus has to offer this time of year.  From April 11 - 15 you can also check out the Environmental messages posted on bright orange A frames across campus.  You'll find information on sustainability features of buildings, landscaping, operations, policies, and more.  The tour will take you all over campus and you can participate at your leisure.
This is a past event.

When You Move Out, Don't Throw It Out! (WYMO)

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 8am

BGSU residence halls, Greek townhouses, Union, and Marketplaces

WYMO begins its 20th year at BGSU, giving you an opportunity to donate anything that's still usable and benefiting the BGSU and other local food pantries, sustainability programs, and numerous local non-profits and charities!  When you're packing up to move, remember to donate non-perishable food, clothing, shoes, bedding, toiletries, cleaning products, electronics, toys/games/sporting goods, household/kitchen items, small furniture, fans, mirrors, pictures, schools supplies and much more!  Starting April 11 through May 1 collection boxes will be located in all residence hall lobbies and Greek townhouses, Marketplaces, and the Bowen-Thompson Student Union (main lobby, leftside of stairs).  Volunteers are needed also; contact  Let's donate and lighten our load!
This is a past event.

Organizing Your Canvas Shell Workshop

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 10am to 11am

Virtual Event

  Are you new to Canvas or would you like to streamline your current courses? Organizing material in Canvas can feel overwhelming, especially if you are new to the process. This CFE presentation will review a Canvas design that helps to deliver course content in a simplified manner that students will find refreshing thereby eliminating email, questions, and frustrations on both your end and the students. By using Pages and Modules and having clear timelines and outcomes established at the beginning of the semester, all users are off to success from day one! At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: Design a Canvas course that students can easily and efficiently navigate.  Create weekly Modules that are detailed and organized.  Link your syllabus to the Canvas To Do list and Gradebook for the entire semester. CFE Categories: Expectations, Support, and Academic Support Technology Facilitator:  Carrie M. Hamady, EdD, MS, RD, LD, FAND, Associate Clinical Professor, Director, Undergraduate Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics Date: April 11, 2022 Time: 10:00-11:00AM Location: Zoom Register for Organizing Your Canvas Shell Workshop To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.  
This is a past event.

SAAM Teal Ribbons

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 10am to 5pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union

​​​​At the beginning of April, teal ribbons will be placed around campus to create awareness for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). On April 7, 2022, the Feminist Ambassadors and CVPE Ambassadors will host a table in the Student Union from 1-3 p.m. to discuss sexual violence and hand out personal teal ribbons.
This is a past event.

Move 4 Your Mood - Yoga as You Are

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 12:20pm to 1pm

Eppler South Gym

An all-levels class that combines breath work with easy movement. This free yoga class is a great opportunity to give yourself a break in your day for mindfulness and light stretching.  
This is a past event.

Florence Price Festival

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 3:30pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Choral Rehearsal Hall

4/10 6pm Choral Rehearsal Hall John Michael Cooper, Lecture: Hear her voice knowing Florence Price  4/11 3:30pm Room 2008 Colloquium 
This is a past event.

Concert Band

Mon, Apr 11, 2022 8pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Kobacker Hall

The BGSU Concert Band will present a concert. This event is free and open to the public, and will also be live streamed.
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