This is a past event.
Thu, Apr 7, 2022 1pm to 2pm
Virtual Event
It is essential that University students understand the expectations for them to maintain academic integrity and to avoid accusations of academic dishonesty. Issues arise when students are either unaware of proper practices like source citation and individual work, or deliberately choose to cheat or plagiarize. Technology and access to the internet have confounded these issues tremendously in recent years. This workshop will provide faculty members the opportunity to share concerns, frustrations, best practices and to collaboratively ideate solutions to problems associated with cheating and plagiarism.
Workshop Learning Objectives:
Understand how to use resources that assist in plagiarism detection
Learn best practices to mitigate cheating
Share experiences dealing with academic honesty issues
Collaborative ideate solutions
Date: April 7, 2022
Time: 1 - 2 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: Dr. Jerry Schnepp
Register for Navigating Academic Honesty Issues Workshop
To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.