Bowling Green State University

Events: September 15, 2022

Sep 14 Sep 16
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Homecoming Weekend

Thu, Sep 15, 2022

Join us September 15-18 to celebrate 100 years of Homecoming at BGSU! Homecoming traditions have come and gone, but since 1922, Bowling Green State University has welcomed Falcon alumni back to the nest. For more information about Homecoming visit the BGSU Homecoming page. 
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Suicide Loss Awareness Display

Thu, Sep 15, 2022

Lawn Between Jerome Library and Education Building

This visual flag display represented national statistics on the number of college students lost to suicide each year. Each flag represents five students lost. This display includes content regarding suicide. If you are in need of help, contact the Counseling Center. An on-call counselor available at 419-372-2081 for crisis situations from 8:00 a.m. to 5pm Monday-Friday. You can also utilize the Wood County Crisis Line at 419-502-4673 after Counseling Center business hours. Wood County Crisis Line is a 24 hours, 7 days a week crisis resource for folks in Wood County. Crisis Text Line-Text HOME to 741741 for a crisis counselor or text STEVE to 741741 for a culturally competent crisis counselor. You can also text or dial 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor 24/7. Send questions or comments to Ashley Hartman as To learn more about Wellness Connectino programs visit our website and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @BGSUWellness.
This is a past event.

Take Five to Save Lives

Thu, Sep 15, 2022

Virtual Event

Take 5 to Save Lives in an international campaign that encourages everyone to complete several action steps under 5 important themes to help prevention suicide. The themes are: LEARN, KNOW, DO, TALK, and SHARE. Be part of this campaign by sharing your “Take 5 to Save Lives” actions. LEARN: Take a few minutes to LEARN the warning signs, risk factors, and protective factors of suicide. KNOW: KNOW how to find help and support for yourself and others who may be suicidal. DO: Preventing suicide requires action. Everyone can DO something to get involved in the suicide prevention movement. TALK: TALKing about suicide does not put the idea of suicide in someone's head. It can be a lifeline. SHARE: SHARE Take 5 to help spread the word about one of the most important public health issues of our time. To learn more about Take 5 to Save Lives and ideas for action steps visit their website: Use the following form to submit your action:  All participants receive a FREE mental health advocate kit. Faculty, staff, and students can participate. Actions must be completed between September 1 - 30. Submissions are due by Friday, October 14. Questions? Contact Ashley Hartman at To laern more about the Wellness Connection visit our website at Wellness Connection ( and follow up on Twitter and Instagram at @BGSUWellness.  This program includes content regarding suicide. If you are in need of help, contact the Counseling Center. An on-call counselor available at 419-372-2081 for crisis situations from 8:00 a.m. to 5pm Monday-Friday. You can also utilize the Wood County Crisis Line at 419-502-4673 after Counseling Center business hours. Wood County Crisis Line is a 24 hours, 7 days a week crisis resource for folks in Wood County. Crisis Text Line-Text HOME to 741741 for a crisis counselor or text STEVE to 741741 for a culturally competent crisis counselor. You can also text or dial 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor 24/7.
This is a past event.

Clayton Wood Member of the Finance Advisory Board

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 9:30am

UNVH, 305

Clayton is the Managing Partner of C. B. Wood Financial LLC, an employee benefits consulting firm located in Charlotte, NC. He graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2017 with a specialization in Finance and Sales/Services Marketing and has earned his Certified Financial Planner designation with the help of the BGSU CFP program. Clayton has been awarded Charlotte's 30 Under 30 and the Health Insurance Industry Rising Star. But, he is most proud of starting a family private foundation, The Wood Foundation, supporting the development of children through leadership, education, and faith. 
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Instructor Video Recording Studio Open House!

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 11am to 1pm

Olscamp Hall, 109

The Center for Faculty Excellence is holding an Open House in Olscamp 109 for the new Instructor Video Recording Studio with a demonstration on how to use the equipment. Some of the new equipment includes a green screen, lighting kit and HD digital camera with tripod for the recording of professional quality educational videos.  Sept. 15, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Olscamp 109
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Res Life's 9th Annual Bed Races & Block Party

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 4pm to 7pm

Parking Lot N

Picture it now - the wind in your hair, a rush of adrenaline, and the feeling of pride when you cross the finish line during the Office of Residence Life 9th Annual Homecoming Bed Races! Gather a group of five students and coordinate your most Instagram-worthy costumes. Register online or on-site up to 15 minutes before the start of the race. Prizes will be awarded for speed, spirit and style. The top team will receive a $25 gift card to Amazon for each member! Teams must have at least five team members and can register here by Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 8 a.m. Can’t race but want to join the fun? Check out the block party featuring: Music Lawn games Tie dye a Bed Races t-shirt (first 200 participants) Free snacks and drinks 
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Academy of Distinguished Alumni 2022

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 6pm

Lenhart Grand Ballroom

The Academy of Distinguished Alumni is the highest honor bestowed by the University and was established to recognize the extraordinary accomplishments of alumni who have made significant contributions to their chosen professional field and/or through their community involvement. The University is proud to honor those alumni who have inspired their country, state, community and BGSU.  Join us on Thursday, Sept. 15, as we induct our 2022 honorees as part of an exciting evening that kicks off a memorable Homecoming weekend. This year's outstanding honorees include: Clarence Albert Daniels Jr. ’71, ’73 Brenda J. Hollis ’68 ’14 (Hon.) Beth Macy ’86 Dr. Anthony “Tony” Rucci ’72, ’76, ‘78 Dinner tickets are $50 per person. Attire is black tie optional.  Learn more about this year's distinguished honorees. Watch the full video of the 2021 Academy of Distinguished Alumni Ceremony
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BGSU Volleyball vs RV Mississippi State

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 6pm to 8pm

Ann Arbor, Mich.

BGSU Volleyball vs RV Mississippi State Streaming Video:
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CRC AfterHours: Board Game Night

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 7pm to 9pm

Jerome Library, Curriculum Resource Center, 2nd Floor

Sushi Go! Bananagrams! Noodle Speedoodle! Sorry! Apples to Apples! and more! The Curriculum Resource Center on the 2nd floor of the Jerome Library is staying up later than usual, and you're invited to our inaugural Board Game Night on Thursday, September 15. Bring a friend or two or three and play everything from classic board games to modern card games. Event is free and runs from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served. Register for Board Game Night here!
This is a past event.

Information Session for the 2023 Ohio Export Internship Program

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 7pm to 8pm

Robert W. and Patricia A. Maurer Center, 116

The Schmidthorst College of Business was selected as one of the hosting universities for the award-winning Export Internship program.   If you are interested in global trade and boosting Ohio’s export sales, or if you are looking for a paid summer internship, this will be a great opportunity for you!   This program features a three (3) credit hour export focused course (MGMT 4920) and a paid 12 week summer internship. You will be matched with a company based on your interests and other requirements.   If this is what you are looking for, please join us for this information session on Thursday, Sept. 15 from 7 - 8 p.m. in Mauer Center 116. Pizza and drinks will be provided. The deadline to apply is Oct 15.
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Thu, Sep 15, 2022 8pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Bryan Recital Hall

Praecepta, the student chapter of the Society of Composers, Inc., promotes new music activities in the Bowling Green community. This event is free and open to the public.
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Praecepta Fall 2022 Concert

Thu, Sep 15, 2022 8pm to 9:30pm

Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center

September 15th, 2022 || 8:00pm || Bryan Recital HallThis concert will be in-person and recorded.All voting Praecepta members may submit.Electroacoustic works are welcome!Submissions are due September 7, 2022, 11:59pm EST and can be accessed via this link.  Learn more at
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