Bowling Green State University

Events: October 19, 2023

Oct 18 Oct 20
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Midterm Grading Period

Thu, Oct 19, 2023

Midterms: Monday, Oct. 16 - Sunday, Nov. 5 Midterm grades are your mid-semester check-in. During this time, it's important to review feedback your instructor may provide and consider "What would my final grade be if the semester ended today?" Check your BGSU email often for messages from your BGSU Student Success Team.  Access Your Midterm Grades.  
This is a past event.

Midterm Grading Period

Thu, Oct 19, 2023

Midterms: Monday, Feb. 24 - Sunday, March 26 Midterm grades are your mid-semester check-in. During this time, it's important to review feedback your instructor may provide and consider "What would my final grade be if the semester ended today?" Check your BGSU email often for messages from your BGSU Student Success Team.  Access Your Midterm Grades.  
This is a past event.

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Thu, Oct 19, 2023

Work teams, colleagues, student orgs, friends, or any group on campus can join the pumpkin decorating contest. (No carving please, just painting or decorating. To join, all pumpkins need to be turned in by Friday, October 27.  Contact Karyn Smith to arrange drop off and for additional information. Pumpkins will be displayed at the Recreation and Wellness Well-O-Ween Walk for attendees to vote. The winning team with the most votes receives a team prize!
This is a past event.

Student Org Football Box Ticket Giveaway

Thu, Oct 19, 2023

BGSU Undergraduate Student Government and the Office of Student Engagement are teaming up to showcase all the good work that the student orgs have done this year with an exciting giveaway! 🙌 Student Orgs can enter this contest for a chance to win tickets to stay in the Student Engagement Football Box for the BGSU Football vs Toledo game on Tuesday, November 14th. Here's how your student org can enter: Create an Instagram Reel telling us about what you do and/or how you have worked to encourage engagement within the BGSU community. You can use fun trends or simply create a highlight reel for your org, creativity is key! Follow both @‌bgsuusg, and @‌engagement_bgsu Tag both @‌bgsuusg, and @‌engagement_bgsu in your reel and use the hashtag #StudentOrgFootballBox. Student Orgs can enter their reel anytime throughout the month of October. The deadline to submit a reel is 11:59 p.m. on October 31. A winner will be chosen by November 8th. Contest reminder: All contest correspondence will always come directly from @engagement_bgsu and @bgsuusg Questions? Email or you can direct message @bgsusg and/or @engagement_bgsu on Instagram!
This is a past event.

DVAM Clothesline Project

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 10am to 4pm

Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle

In partnership with The Cocoon, Gender Violence Prevention and Education Services will display t-shirts from an ongoing collection that victims/survivors have created to voice their experience with sexual assault. Join us all day in the Union Oval to read through the experiences that members of the BGSU and BG community have faced. CONTENT WARNING: This event will share the stories of those who have been impacted by violence. Please be aware of your own well-being and take time to process.  To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.
This is a past event.

CFE Series: Drop-in Writing Time: 14-Day Writing Challenge

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 10:45am to 11:15am

Olscamp Hall, 106

    Are you interested in developing a daily writing practice? Join the CFE for the NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge, which is an opportunity for you to experiment with daily writing, online and/or in-person community and supportive accountability. Each day during the writing challenge, the CFE will host 30 minute drop-in writing sessions for both in-person and virtual attendees. There is no obligation to attend all sessions—feel free to choose the sessions that fit into your schedule! Prior to attending, we ask that you register for the NCFFD 14-Day Writing Challenge by Tuesday, Oct. 3 to be able to have access to the online writing community.   The sessions are simple—login to your online community on the NCFDD webiste, start the timer, complete your writing and post your progress at the end. To make the most of the sessions, we ask participants to bring their own laptops and/or writing materials. If you have any questions, please email These session will take place in-person in Olscamp 106 and online via Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link upon registration.   To register for this workshop, use the Fall 2023 CFE Drop-in Writing Session Registration form. Advance registration is required. Registration will close one business day before the scheduled event.    To find out more information about this series, visit the Drop-in Writing Sessions page of the CFE website. If you have any questions about this event, email the CFE at  
This is a past event.

Let's Talk

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 10:45am to 11:45am

Jerome Library, Jerome Library 151H (Student Athletics Services Suite)

Let's Talk is cancelled today at the library.  Please visit another Let's Talk location this week or if you are in need of crisis support, reach out to the Counseling Center at 419-372-2081.   Let's Talk is a free and confidential service available to BGSU students. Students can meet for a brief, informal, 15 minute consultation with BGSU Counseling Center staff that do not take the place of therapy. Let's Talk consultations are not appropriate for urgent concerns or mental health emergencies. During this consultation, BGSU clinicians will listen to your concerns, offer support, information and resources. 
This is a past event.

'Paris is Burning' (1990) Screening

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 11:30am to 1pm

BGSU Firelands, Falcon Square, North Building

Where does voguing come from, and what, exactly, is throwing shade? This landmark documentary provides a vibrant snapshot of the 1980s through the eyes of New York City’s African American and Latinx Harlem drag ball scene. Made over seven years, Paris Is Burning offers an intimate portrait of rival fashion “houses,” from fierce contests for trophies, to house mothers offering sustenance in a world rampant with homophobia, transphobia, racism, AIDS, and poverty. Featuring legendary voguers, drag queens, and trans women— including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey, and Venus Xtravaganza—Paris Is Burning brings it, celebrating the joy of movement, the force of eloquence, and the draw of community. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services   at or 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.
This is a past event.

Sweet Treats for Transfer Students

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 1pm to 3pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Outside Falcon Outfitters

Sweet treats, a sticker giveaway and an interactive map activity await BGSU transfer students at this FREE National Transfer Student Week event! To participate, head to the Office of Orientation & Transitions table outside of Falcon Outfitters during the event and collect your free treats and swag.  About National Transfer Student Week This event is part of National Transfer Student Week, which takes place every October and celebrates transfer students and the professionals who support them on their journeys. Events like this are hosted by the Office Orientation and Transitions so transfer students can connect with other transfer Students who made BGSU a part of their education journey. To continue the celebration, check out the Transfer T-Shirt Swap.  
This is a past event.

44th Annual New Music Festival: Marcos Balter, Composer Lecture

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 1:30pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Bryan Recital Hall

44th Annual New Music Festival hosts guest composer Marcos Balter. He will be discussing his compositions and techniques in this lecture. Free and open to the public, and also live streamed. For more information and a full schedule of events, visit our website:
This is a past event.

44th Annual New Music Festival: Concert 1

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 3:30pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Bryan Recital Hall

Concert 1 of the 44th Annual New Music Festival. Free and open to the public, and also live streamed. PROGRAM LINK: For detailed information and a full schedule of events, visit our website:
This is a past event.

Falcon 2 Falcon Peer Support Group

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Psychology Building, 101

Join you peers in our new peer-to-peer lead groups where you can discuss life concerns, mental health, and build connections with other peers!
This is a past event.

Canceled: Graduate Student Discussion Group

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 5pm to 6:30pm

Virtual Event

  Find support in other graduate students as we talk about identity, writer’s block, imposter syndrome and more! Led by Aaron Edwards virtually.  
This is a past event.

Murder Mystery with Pizza and Cookies

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 6pm to 8pm

Central Hall 1008

Come solve cold case files with the Criminal Justice Student Association this Thursday, October 19th at 6pm! Pizza and cookies will be provided; hope to see you there! Learn more at
This is a past event.

Oktoberfest BG

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 6pm to 9pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union Ballroom

Oktoberfest is an annual German celebration hosted in numerous places around the world. The event features Germanic culture and many culinary experiences within it. Music and festivities go hand in hand to show people the fun side of German culture! RSVP link - Learn more at
This is a past event.

ESC Meeting #2 - Pumpkin Decorating!

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 6:15pm to 7pm

Maurer Center room 104

Hello all!For our second club meeting, we will be painting pumpkins! We will create groups, and each group will receive their own pumpkin and materials to decorate them (we will not be carving the pumpkins). If you'd like to bring in your materials or even your pumpkin, feel free! However, we will be providing pumpkins and decorations. At the end of our meeting, we will vote on what we think is the best-decorated pumpkin. The winning pumpkin will then be submitted into a contest the university holds and displayed at the Recreation and Wellness Well-O-Ween Walk for attendees to vote (there will be a prize if our chosen pumpkin wins!). We will also be creating a group so we can improve our communication. And, there will be time for questions and to brainstorm possible future service opportunities.Can't wait to see you all Thursday, and make sure you come into the club meeting with a fun/creative pumpkin idea in mind! RSVP link - Learn more at
This is a past event.

BGSU Women's Soccer vs Central Michigan - Unity Night

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 7pm to 9pm

Bowling Green, Ohio, Cochrane Stadium

BGSU Women's Soccer vs Central Michigan - Unity Night TV: WBGU/YouTube Streaming Video:
This is a past event.

"Shoebox" Film Screening and Discussion

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 7:30pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, 206

Please join us for "Shoebox" Film Screen and Discussion with the filmmaker's, director Faraz Ali and producer Noopur Sinha, on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in Bowen-Thompson Student Union Theater, Room 206. In the movie "Shoebox," the main character, Mampu, watches her father struggle to keep his single- screen theatre alive – as her hometown of Allahabad acquires a new name and startslosing traces of its past. This lecture is free and open to the public. Register to attend.  This event is presented by the Asian Studies Program with support from the Ethnic Cultural Arts Program, Office of Multicultural Affairs, History Department, International Studies Program, School of Cultural and Critical Studies, Department of Theatre and Films and International Programs & Partnerships. 
This is a past event.

'Paris is Burning' (1990) Virtual Screening

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 7:30pm to 9pm

Virtual Event

Where does voguing come from, and what, exactly, is throwing shade? This landmark documentary provides a vibrant snapshot of the 1980s through the eyes of New York City’s African American and Latinx Harlem drag ball scene. Made over seven years, Paris Is Burning offers an intimate portrait of rival fashion “houses,” from fierce contests for trophies, to house mothers offering sustenance in a world rampant with homophobia, transphobia, racism, AIDS, and poverty. Featuring legendary voguers, drag queens, and trans women— including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey, and Venus Xtravaganza—Paris Is Burning brings it, celebrating the joy of movement, the force of eloquence, and the draw of community. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services   at or 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.
This is a past event.

44th Annual New Music Festival: Concert 2

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 8pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Kobacker Hall

Concert 2 of the 44th Annual New Music Festival. Free and open to the public, and also live streamed. PROGRAM LINK: For detailed information and a full schedule of events, visit our website:
This is a past event.

Sustainability Game Night with EAG

Thu, Oct 19, 2023 8pm to 9pm

Central Hall, 100

Campus Sustainability and Environmental Action Group are co-hosting a Campus Sustainability Week trivia night. Students from any major are welcome to this fun event where teams will compete for a sustainable prize. Come solo or with friends, everyone will have a team. Who knows, you might just learn something new and leave with a few new friends!
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