Bowling Green State University

Events: April 19, 2023

Apr 18 Apr 20
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Wed, Apr 19, 2023

Hayes Hall, Contact the Office of Residence Life for more details.

20 lucky winners will get to pick a room in the residence hall of their choice before room selection officially begins, for themself AND a roommate of their choice! That's up to 40 winners – and the earlier you sign your housing agreement, the more chances you have to win! _____________ [HOW TO ENTER] Sign the 2023-24 Housing & Dining Agreement between Jan. 4-April 30, 2023. You must be a new student admitted for the Fall 2023 Semester to qualify. The month you sign your Housing & Dining Agreement determines how many entries you have into the contest. Each month five winners will be selected. Jan. 4-31 = 4 total entries Feb. 1-28 = 3 total entries March 1-31 = 2 total entries April 1-30 = 1 total entry COMPLETE YOUR HOUSING AGREEMENT TODAY ➔ If you win, you can pick a bed in Centennial Hall, Conklin Hall, Kohl Hall, Kreischer or Offenhauer Towers – for yourself and one new BGSU student of your choice. New students who wish to live in Founders Hall must be members of the Honors Learning Community. If you are NOT a Honors Learning Community member, Founders Hall will not be available to select through this giveaway. _____________ [HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE] The randomized drawing will occur by the third day of each month up until May 3. The Office of Residence Life will reach out to each winner through BGSU email and the phone number on file (make sure you have your voicemail box set up!). If a winner doesn't respond within 24 hours, their right to the prize will be forfeited, and a new winner will be selected. Upon accepting the prize by picking a room before standard room selection, winners agree to participate in social media and other marketing efforts to promote the giveaway. When contacted, the Office of Residence Life will discuss with each winner how to select a room for themself and their chosen roommate. _____________ [IMPORTANT DETAILS] Students are not required to have their $200 initial housing payment made to be eligible to win. However, before any student can be assigned to a room, the initial housing payment must be paid. The additional student who is pulled into the room by a winner must have their housing and meal plan agreement signed and paid their $200 initial payment at the time of the room selection. They must also be a new incoming student admitted at BGSU to qualify. This prize does not offer any discount on the housing rate, and each student assigned to a room through this giveaway will be responsible for the full payment of the room in accordance with their student bill. Cancellations to the agreement by May 1, 2023, will receive a 100% refund and will not be billed. Cancelations after May 1, 2023, will be granted in accordance with the forfeiture schedule. If the winner does not submit an eligible student to be their roommate by the Office of Residence Life deadline, the remaining space will be forfeited. Once a student has won one of the 20 prizes, they will no longer be eligible to win the remaining prizes for this giveaway. Students who have agreed to be the roommate of one of the winners will also not be eligible. The beds selected by the winner and their roommate must be assigned to the same building. Any student who is assigned to a room through this giveaway does not have the right to their room assignment. If one of the students decides to do a room change into a different room/building or cancels their contract, the vacant bed will open up to standard room selection, and a random roommate may be assigned. Returning students who will be enrolled full-time at BGSU are not eligible to win.  The Office of Residence Life is not responsible for prize notifications being marked as spam, junk or otherwise hidden from the recipient.
This is a past event.

Alumni T-shirt Pickup | Senior Week

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 10am to 5pm

Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle

Attention graduating students! Pick up your free BGSU Alumni T-shirt and make sure you're in the know about Homecoming and other alumni events. Monday, April 17: During Pancakes with the President from 5-7 p.m. in BTSU Lenhart Grand Ballroom Tuesday, April 18: At the Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle from 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: At Mileti Alumni Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 20: At the Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle from 3-5 p.m. ------------------------ Senior Week 2023 April 17-21 - This event is part of Senior Week, a week full of exciting events for you to recharge, celebrate the end of the academic year, salute graduating students, and have fun!
This is a past event.

Final Lap | Senior Week

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 10am to 5pm


Reflect on all the fun memories that made your college years so special and take a final lap around campus! As you take your final lap, stop at the various locations listed below to check out all the free activities and resources we have in store for our soon-to-be #bgsualumni! Mileti Alumni Center: Pick up your free BGSU Alumni T-shirt and make sure you're in the know about Homecoming and other alumni events. While you're here, be sure to grab a commemorative computer sticker designed with the residence hall you lived in during your first year at BGSU!      Slater Family Ice Arena:  Stop by the Slater Family Ice Arena between 2-5 p.m. to ice skate with fellow Falcons!  Bowen-Thompson Student Union: Falcon Outfitters: Stock up on BGSU Alumni gear and recieve $10 off of a $50 purchase at Falcon Outiftters! And don't forget to pick up your cap and gown while your there! Ballroom A: Stop into Ballroom A for a graduation cap decorating station and write a gratitude letter to someone who has helped you along your journey!  Starbucks: Need a refreshment? Stop by the BGSU Starbucks for a special Senior Week drink!  BGSU Letters: Stop by and take a photo by the BGSU Letters! Campus Rock: Leave your mark at BGSU by signing your name on the BGSU rock! Dining Halls: Time for a lunch break? Stop by The Oaks or Carillon Place for a free meal swipe! One meal swipe will be loaded onto the BG1 card of each student who applied for graduation which can be used througout the day on Wednesday, April 19. Campus Gateway:  Stop by and take a photo by the Alumni Gateway! ------------------------ Senior Week 2023 April 17-21 - This event is part of Senior Week, a week full of exciting events for you to recharge, celebrate the end of the academic year, salute graduating students, and have fun!
This is a past event.

SAAM Clothesline Project

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 10am to 4pm

Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle

In partnership with The Cocoon, the Center for Violence Prevention and Education will display t-shirts from an ongoing collection that victims/survivors have created to voice their experience with sexual assault. Join us all day in the Union Oval to read through the experiences that members of the BGSU and BG community have faced. CONTENT WARNING: This event will share the stories of those who have been impacted by violence. Please be aware of your own well-being and take time to process.  
This is a past event.

Stress Management Workshop: Taking Care of Your Body

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 10am to 11am

Virtual Event

  You cannot manage stress and function well if you’re not taking good care of your physical heatlh.  In this class you’ll learn about ways that stress affects the body, principles for keeping yourself nourished and hydrated, good sleep hygiene, benefits of exercise, and other basic needs.  You’ll make a plan for self-care in these areas.   Please Register at:     The Counseling Center welcomes all students. We aspire to respect cultural, individual and role differences. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive and affirming climate for individuals of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, gender identities, sexual/affectional orientations, religions, ages, abilities, sizes, socioeconomic statuses, languages and cultures. The Counseling Center can be reached at 419-372-2081.   To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance, or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.    
This is a past event.

Recovery Drop-in Support Group

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 11am to 12pm

Eppler Center, 330

This recovery support group is open to all BGSU students who are in recovery from a substance use disorder and/or addiction.  This group is an alternative to a 12-step program and will give students a safe place to explore how they navigate recovery efforts while balancing being a student on campus.  This group will promote self-empowerment with an increase in peer support while staying committed to recovery efforts while navigating their educational goals while at BGSU.   For more information on this drop-in support group or the other support groups offered by the Counseling Center, please visit
This is a past event.

Recovery Support Drop-in Group

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 11am to 12pm


An alternative to a 12-step program which is open to all BGSU students in recovery from a substance use disorder and/or addiction.
This is a past event.

Introduction to Strength Workshop

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 12:10pm to 12:50pm

Student Recreation Center, Main Weight Room

Learn about fundamental strength movements and how to use various strength equipment at the Student Recreation Center. Wednesdays and Fridays: 8:30 - 9:30 AM | SRC Weight Room Sept. 25, 27, Oct. 2, 4, 9, 11, Oct. 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, Nov. 1 (This is a 6-week, 12-session workshop) Facilitated by a certified personal trainer Exercise in a small group setting, enrollment is limited to 8 participants FREE for BGSU Students Enroll online: Advance registration required. For More Information:Chloe Crompton, GA: | 419.372.2348
This is a past event.

Resume and Cover Letter Review Drop-in Hours

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 1pm to 3pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Suite 225

Let the experts in the Career Center help you land your next job with a resume and cover letter review.  The Career Center holds 15-minute in-person drop-in hours from 1-3 p.m. on Wednesdays on a first-come, first-served basis during the academic year. 
This is a past event.

LQBTQ+ Support Group

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 1pm to 2pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, 427-B

LGBTQ+ Programs and The Counseling Center continue to offer a weekly LGBTQ+ and questioning support group in the LGBTQ+ Resource Center (427-B BTSU). We understand class and work schedules may not allow you to participate in the entirety of a session or every session – because of this, we encourage you to "come as you are, when you can." 
This is a past event.

Kick Back on the Quad | Senior Week

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 2pm to 7pm

Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle

Grab your friends and take a well-deserved break on the Quad! Fire pits, seating, giant games, cornhole, drinks and music will be provided. ------------------------ Senior Week 2023 April 17-21 - This event is part of Senior Week, a week full of exciting events for you to recharge, celebrate the end of the academic year, salute graduating students, and have fun!
This is a past event.

Creative/ Community Builder: Stress Relief

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Mitchell B. McLeod Hall, Suite 314, Radbill Center for College and Life Design

Feeling stressed as the semester comes to an end? Stop by the Radbill Center for some coloring, puzzling, snacks, and more to give your mind a break from all the studying! 
This is a past event.

Turning On the Schmeltz Family Fountain | Senior Week

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 3pm to 4:30pm

Alumni Gateway

*Due to inclement weather, we are moving turning on the Schmeltz Family Fountain to Wednesday, April 19 from 3-4:30 p.m. Join us as we welcome warm weather and turn on the Schmeltz Family Fountain at Alumni Gateway.  There will be free food and BGSU sunglasses while supplies last.  ------------------------ Senior Week 2023 April 17-21 - This event is part of Senior Week, a week full of exciting events for you to recharge, celebrate the end of the academic year, salute graduating students, and have fun!
This is a past event.

BeYOUtiful Beings: Body Image Drop-In Support Group

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 4pm to 5pm

College Park Office Building, Counseling Center

In this group hosted at the BGSU Counseling Center, students will have a chance to explore their feelings about themselves and their bodies in a supportive environment. We will work to explore the way students think about themselves, their bodies and their appearance to explore ways to feel more confident with who they are. This group meets weekly, and it is a drop-in group, meaning that students can attend as they are able. The Counseling Center welcomes all students. We aspire to respect cultural, individual and role differences. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive and affirming climate for individuals of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, gender identities, sexual/affectional orientations, religions, ages, abilities, sizes, socioeconomic statuses, languages and cultures.  
This is a past event.

Middle School Honors String Festival: Final Concert

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 5pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Kobacker Hall

Beginning to advanced middle school string players are invited to participate in chamber music sessions, master classes, string technique group sessions and chamber orchestra. More information can be found on our website. There is a 5 p.m. final concert that will be live streamed.
This is a past event.

De-Stress Express

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 7:30pm to 9pm

De-Stress Express Come Unwind before finals! Wednesday, April 19 | 7:30 - 9 p.m. | Centennial & Offenhauer Lobby Join the Office of Residence Life and de-stress before finals and move-out with crafts, raffles and mocktails. All activities are free to BGSU students. Activities are FREE to BGSU students. For questions contact: Alex Bakhaus Coordinator, Leadership & Administration To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.
This is a past event.

Body Doubling Study Sessions

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 8pm to 11pm

Jerome Library, Large Group Room, First Floor

Stay on Task with Body Doubling at the Library We know it can be hard to get started and keep going with all the studying, writing, designing, and everything else you need to do at the end of the semester. Have you ever tried body doubling to help you stay on task? In a nutshell, studying with other people who are also studying provides the gentle social pressure to keep working that can be just what you need to be your most productive. Join us at the library in the first floor large group study room for quiet work time with snacks and a schedule with 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break, because breaks are necessary, too!
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