Bowling Green State University

Events: October 17, 2024

Oct 16 Oct 18
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Equine Group Therapy - FREE for all BGSU students!

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

City of Bowling Green

The Counseling Center is combining group therapy with the healing touch of horses – in partnership with Project H.O.P.E.  Have you ever wanted to work with horses or miss working with them while you are studying at BGSU? Do you enjoy learning by doing? Are you seeking alternatives to talk therapy? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, this program might be the right fit for you! The Equine Therapy Group is a free opportunity for ALL BGSU STUDENTS! However, space is limited, and a screening appointment with the Counseling Center must be completed prior to the program start date to participate. What you need to know: Three groups made up of 6 students each will meet for this 6-week program at an off-campus location in the city of Bowling Green. Group 1 will meet on Tuesdays from 12:30-1:45 p.m. starting on Sept. 9. Group 2 will meet on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. starting on Sept. 25. Group 3 will meet on Thursdays from 10:30-11:45 a.m. starting on Oct. 17. How to participate: 1. Review all the details on the Equine Group Therapy webpage>> 2. Call at the beginning of fall 2024 semester to schedule the required screening appointment with the Counseling Center. Call 419-372-2081 to schedule your appointment today. __________________________________________________________ As the BGSU Counseling Center, we welcome all students and aspire to respect cultural, individual and role differences. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive, and affirming climate for individuals of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, gender identities, sexual/affectional orientations, religions, ages, abilities, sizes, socioeconomic statuses, languages and cultures. We invite you to start designing your individualized care plan with us by exploring all of the counseling services we have to offer you.
This is a past event.

Intramural Registration

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Perry Field House

Sign up now for fall semester Intramural Sports! Intramural Sports provides BGSU students/faculty/staff a wide variety of competitive activities for players of all skill levels and interests. Qualified staff provide a fun, yet structured environment that focuses on the health, safety and developmental needs of all Intramural Sports participants. Individual, dual and team activities are available. Play unlimited sports with several seasons offered each semester Co-rec, men's and women's sports offered. One Semester: $50/pp Academic Year: $90/pp Sports vary and are all listed at Fall Season I September 16 - October 24 Fall Season II October 26 - December 6 Volleyball Cornhole Ultimate Frisbee Outdoor and Indoor Flag Football Futsal Basketball Ping-Pong Soccer Wallyball Golf Pickleball Spikeball Golf Wiffle Ball Badminton Kickball See all the details and sign up at  
This is a past event.

Learn to Swim Group Lessons

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Student Recreation Center, Cooper Pool and Andrews Pools

Designed to help participants achieve maximum success, courses are based on a logical, six-level progression that helps swimmers of varying ages and abilities develop water safety, survival and swim skills. Small Group Lessons - Session I: September 16 - October 24 Monday: 5:30 - 6 PM - Parent Child | 6:15 - 6:45 PM - Pre-School 1 | 7 - 7:30 PM | School Age 1 Wednesday: 5:30 - 6 PM - Pre-School 1| 6:15 - 6:45 PM - Pre-School 2 | 7 - 7:30 PM | School Age 2 Small Group Lessons - Session II: October 28 - December 5 Monday: 5:30 - 6 PM - Parent Child | 6:15 - 6:45 PM - Pre-School 1 | 7 - 7:30 PM | School Age 1 Tuesday: 5:30 - 6 PM | Pre-School 2 | 6:15 - 6:45 PM | School Age 2 | 7 - 7:30 PM | School Age 3 Wednesday: 5:30 - 6 PM - Pre-School 1| 6:15 - 6:45 PM - Pre-School 2 | 7 - 7:30 PM | School Age 2 Thursday: 5:30 - 6 PM - Pre-School 1| 6:15 - 6:45 PM - Pre-School 2 | 7 - 7:30 PM | School Age 1 Parent and child classes are conducted in Andrews Pool, all other classes are conducted in Cooper Pool. Private and Semi-Private Lessons Six 30-minute lessons Offered to ages 3 and up to those who prefer a more individualized approach. Complete a private and semi-private lesson request form to be matched with an instructor on the Learn to Swim website. Class descriptions and details at For More Information 419.372.7482 Register Online: Register In-Person: SRC Welcome Desk  
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Midterm Grading Period

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Midterms: Wednesday, Oct. 9 - Sunday, Oct. 20 Midterm grades are your mid-semester check-in. During this time, it's important to review feedback your instructor may provide and consider "What would my final grade be if the semester ended today?" Check your BGSU email often for messages from your BGSU Student Success Team.  Access Your Midterm Grades.  
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Purple Thursday

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Purple Thursday is a national day of action during Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) to raise awareness of domestic violence and show support for survivors. People wear purple to symbolize peace, courage, survival, honor, and dedication to ending violence, and to let survivors know they are not alone. You can wear purple clothing, nail polish, socks, ties, hats, scarves, and more. Tag @cwge_bgsu on Instagram to share your Purple Thursday photos. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need additional services, assistance, or modifications to fully participate in this event either by contacting the CWGE or Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify Accessibility Services prior to the event. If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Women and Gender Equity (CWGE) office at  CONTENT WARNING: This event will share the stories of those who have been impacted by violence. Please be aware of your own well-being and take time to process. 
This is a past event.

Red Flag Campaign

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Education Building, Lawn

As a part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Red Flag Campaign encourages the campus community to practice Green Dot bystander intervention when they see warning signs, or "red flags," of unhealthy relationships. The red flags on display near the Education Building represent the number of reported acts of dating/domestic violence in Wood County. If we do our part to intervene and to educate, we can shift the campus culture and reduce the number of flags.  The campaign will be on display from Oct. 14 - Oct. 18. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need additional services, assistance, or modifications to fully participate in this event either by contacting the CWGE or Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify Accessibility Services prior to the event. If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Women and Gender Equity (CWGE) office at  CONTENT WARNING: This event will share the stories of those who have been impacted by violence. Please be aware of your own well-being and take time to process. 
This is a past event.

SRC October Membership on Sale Now

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Student Recreation Center

Student Rec Center membership includes access to amazing amenities including an Olympic and warm water pool, sauna and hot tub, multi-purpose activity courts, climbing wall, weight and cardio equipment and an indoor tack.  Pricing: Individual: $24.99 Add Dependent: $10 Available Sunday, Oct. 1 - Tuesday, Oct. 31. Valid for 30 days from date of purchase.   For More Information: Julia Adams, Membership Coordinator 419-372-7485 |
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Student Organization Residence Hall Tabling

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Various Residence Halls

Looking for more opportunities to join one or more of the 300+ student organizations here at BGSU? Different student organizations will be coming to Residence Halls all over campus! Have questions? Reach out to ------------------------ Weeks of Welcome Aug. 21-Oct.4| This event is part of  Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own ultimate BGSU experience. Visit the WOW homepage to find all of the festivities!
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Survivor Safe Space

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 9am to 5pm

Hayes Hall, 278

We recognize that October can be a difficult time for people, so every Thursday this month the CWGE lounge in 278 Hayes Hall will be a designated safe space for anyone who needs time to decompress, meditate, or talk to one of our staff members. Additionally, the lounge is open Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm—students, faculty, and staff are welcome to stop in for support, a snack, a hot beverage, or a free craft from our craft cart. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need additional services, assistance, or modifications to fully participate in this event either by contacting the CWGE or Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify Accessibility Services prior to the event. If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Women and Gender Equity (CWGE) office at  CONTENT WARNING: This event will share the stories of those who have been impacted by violence. Please be aware of your own well-being and take time to process. 
This is a past event.

Drop-in Writing Sessions

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 10:30am to 11:30am

Jerome Library, Collab Lab

Session Type: Working Session  Session Category: Scholarship  Duration: 1 hour  Location: Jerome Library Collab Lab  Description & Learning Outcomes:  Need a focused space to make progress on your writing, research, or creative project? Join the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) and University Libraries for an in-person drop-in writing session! These daily sessions will be held during the NCFDD’s 14-Day Writing Challenge. Whether you're working on an article, manuscript, grant proposal, or creative project, this quiet and dedicated time will help you stay productive. Bring your writing materials and enjoy the company of fellow writers!   In these sessions, you will:  Develop a consistent writing habit in a supportive environment.   Increase your productivity by having focused, uninterrupted time to work on your projects.  Gain a sense of shared focus with your BGSU colleagues.   To register for a session, use the Fall 2024 University Libraries & CFE Writing Session Registration Form. Advance registration is required. Registration will close one business day before the scheduled event. You will receive an Outlook invite one day before the event.  To find out more information about these sessions, visit the 14-Day Writing Challenge page of the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) website.  If you have any questions about this event, email the CFE at     If you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in the event, please contact the CFE office or Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify Accessibility Services and/or the CFE office prior to the event. 
This is a past event.

Trauma-Informed Practices in Higher Education: Is There Hope for Healing?

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 10:30am to 12pm

Olscamp Hall, 106

Facilitator: Elizabeth Kregel, Ph.D., Educational Service Center (ESC) of Lake Erie West, Family Engagement Team Leader  Session Type: Interactive Workshop  Session Category: Equity & Access, Success & Belonging  Duration: 1.5 hours  Location: Olscamp 106  Description & Learning Outcomes:  In this session, you will learn about trauma and its impact on postsecondary students. You will begin by discussing how childhood trauma affects brain development and what K-12 schools are doing to combat the trauma epidemic. Then, you'll explore how trauma manifests in young adults and identify strategies to help trauma-affected students stay engaged in their studies and maintain emotional regulation. There will be time for collaboration, sharing, and asking questions. By the end of this session, you will have a deeper understanding of how trauma re-wires the brain and the steps you can take to support your students' success.  In this session, you will learn how to:  Explain how childhood trauma affects the brain and causes both short-term and long-term issues. Identify signs that a student may be struggling due to trauma and/or mental illness.   Create a plan to help students who may be struggling with trauma stay engaged and motivated in your course.   To register for this event, use the Fall 2024 Campus Partner CFE Session Registration Form.  Advance registration is required. Registration will close one business day before the scheduled event. You will receive an Outlook invite with the Zoom link (if applicable) one day before the event.  To find out more information about this event, visit the Session Catalog page of the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) website.  If you have any questions about this event, email the CFE at     If you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in the event, please contact the CFE office or Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify Accessibility Services and/or the CFE office prior to the event. 
This is a past event.

Commuter Student Network Meeting

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 11am to 12pm

Kreischer Sundial, Freddie Room

Join the Commuter Student Network in the Freddie Room at the Kreischer Sundial! Bring your lunch and hear from our guest speaker from Parking and Shuttle Services. We can't wait to connect with you!
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Commuter Student Network Meeting - Parking Guest Speaker

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 11am to 12pm

Kreischer Hall

We hope to see you at our meeting for commuter students! We will have a guest speaker from BGSU Parking this month. Be sure to join us in the conversation about parking, and meet some new friends too!Stay updated on our Instagram: @bgsucommuters. Learn more at
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Resident Advisor Information Session

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 11am

Centennial Hall, Meeting Lounge

Interested in applying to be an RA? Join us at one of the following Information Sessions to learn more about the role, responsibilities, and benefits of the position! Attending an information session is not required, but you will receive valuable information that will help you be successful in the recruitment and selection process. Additionally, applicants who attend an information session will receive credit for their attendance during the application review process. Learn more about becoming a Resident Advisor today!
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Falcon 2 Falcon Peer Support

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 12pm to 1pm

Student Recreation Center, Room 112

Join other peers in our peer-to-peer lead support where you can discuss life concerns, mental health and build connections with other peers!
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Free Yoga Class at the SRC

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 1pm to 1:45pm

Student Recreation Center, Studio B

In addition to the physical health benefits of exercise, regular physical activity can positively impact your brain function, boost your mood, and help reduce stress, along with many other enhancements to mental health. Join us for these fun, low-impact movement sessions.  Thursdays, 1 - 1:45 PM - Student Recreation Center Studio B Registration is not required. Please bring your own yoga mat or towel   No class Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving Break Interested in hosting a free Move For Your Mood session for your department, organization, Residence Hall, team, or class?  Request a session at or contact Karyn Smith at All sessions are FREE for BGSU students, faculty and staff. Registration is not required. For More Information Karyn Smith - 419.372.9309
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45th Annual New Music Festival: Paola Prestini, Composer Lecture

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 1:30pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Bryan Recital Hall

45th Annual New Music Festival hosts guest composer Paola Prestini. She will be discussing her compositions and techniques in this lecture. Free and open to the public. LIVESTREAM LINK For more information and a full schedule of events, visit our website:
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The World of Ella P. Stewart

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 2pm to 4pm

Jerome Library, Pallister Conference Room, First Floor

We are excited to invite you to a captivating presentation by Dr. Shirley Green, who will explore the remarkable life and legacy of Ella P. Stewart, one of the first African American women to become a licensed pharmacist in the United States. Beyond her groundbreaking role in pharmacy, Stewart was a true trailblazer. As a resident of Toledo, she not only ran a successful business but also made significant contributions as a civic reformer, clubwoman, civil rights leader, women’s rights advocate and goodwill ambassador. Her life serves as an inspiring testament to resilience and leadership, both in her community and on the world stage. Green, an adjunct history instructor at Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo, and the director of the Toledo Police Museum, will guide us through Stewart's impactful career and how her work continues to influence social justice and equality today. Visit the Ella P. Stewart Digital Gallery. This event is free and open to the public.  
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45th Annual New Music Festival: Concert 1

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 3:30pm

Moore Musical Arts Center, Bryan Recital Hall

Concert 1 of the 45th Annual New Music Festival. Free and open to the public. LIVESTREAM LINK PROGRAM LINK For detailed information and a full schedule of events, visit our website: 
This is a past event.

"Let's Talk" - Free drop-in counseling consultations

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 4pm to 5pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Room 427

"Let's Talk" is a free and confidential service available to all BGSU students. Students can meet for a brief, informal, 15-minute consultation with BGSU Counseling Center staff. They can listen to specific problems, help explore solutions and introduce you to what it’s like to speak with a member of the staff.  Please note: "Let's Talk" does not take the place of therapy, and consultations are not appropriate for urgent concerns or mental health emergencies. During the consultation, BGSU clinicians will listen to your concerns and offer support, information and resources.   Learn more about "Let's Talk">> __________________________________________________________ As the BGSU Counseling Center, we welcome all students and aspire to respect cultural, individual and role differences. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive, and affirming climate for individuals of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, gender identities, sexual/affectional orientations, religions, ages, abilities, sizes, socioeconomic statuses, languages and cultures. We invite you to start designing your individualized care plan with us by exploring all of the counseling services we have to offer you.
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Mystery at the Ristorante @ The Social House

Thu, Oct 17, 2024 4pm to 8pm

The Oaks, Social House

Join the BGSU Dining team for a night full of mystery and eats! Start at the Heart of the House with penne pomodoro, chicken marsala with tomatoes, grilled vegetables like eggplant, peppers, squashes, onions, and grilled lemon Parmesan broccoli. At Flips, dive into a meatball sub, onion rings, meatless meatballs, and marinara mozzarella sticks. In the Cucina, savor potato gnocchi with vodka sauce, garlic breadsticks, and sautéed spinach with garlic. If you're looking for plant-based options, visit Rooted for tofu marsala, couscous, and Italian green beans. Discover clues throughout Social House to solve the mystery and win a prize.
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