Bowling Green State University

Events: March 13, 2024

Mar 12 Mar 14
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All-College Book: Creative Expression Contest

Wed, Mar 13, 2024

BGSU Firelands, 135 GMH

Contest Prompt The 2024 All-College Book, ‘Ma and Me’ by Putsata Reang explores salient themes of identity, and aspects of ourselves that make us uniquely who we are. Through this creative expression competition, we ask that you explore aspects of your identity by engaging in a creative work that provides insights to your unique self through your response to the prompt, "I am..." Contest Rules There are three categories to choose from. If a student submits more than one entry, only one will be eligible to win the contest. Written Expression Submit an original essay or original poem that is between 50 and 500 words. All entries must: Have a title, the student’s name, and BGSU email on the front page. Be typed in 12-point font. Reflect historical knowledge or research and use appropriate language, grammar, and spelling. Be in the student’s own words or include citations. Artistic Expression Submit a photograph, computer-generated art, or a detailed photo or video of an original painting, collage, or drawing. Oral Expression Submit a video that shows the student reciting (not reading) or singing a song, an essay, a poem, or a speech that is the student’s original work. The entry will be judged on its relevance to the themes of the book and the quality of the student’s delivery as shown in the video. All entries must: Be no less than one (1) but not more than three (3) minutes long. Display only one student performing Include the words from the performance   ENTRIES THAT ARE PLAGIARIZED, INCOMPLETE, OR LATE WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. The top three submissions will be selected to receive a place ranking and a prize. The first-place winner will receive a $100 Amazon e-Gift card, second-place will receive a $50 Amazon e-Gift card, and third-place will receive a $25 Amazon e-Gift card.   The contest opens Thursday, February 27, 2024, and submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Thursday, March 25, 2024.  SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY HERE For questions regarding the contest, please contact fireactivites@bgsu.ed
This is a past event.

Counseling Center Lobby Artwork Design Contest

Wed, Mar 13, 2024

Love to create art and designs?  Submit your design to this year's BGSU Counseling Center Artwork contest for our lobby.  Two individuals artwork will be chosen to be displayed from July 2024-June 2025 in the Counseling Center lobby.  For more information, please contact Assistant Director of Outreach, Phil Hughes at
This is a past event.

FREE Group Exercise for Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day

Wed, Mar 13, 2024

Student Recreation Center, Studios A & B

To show our appreciation for transfer and commuter students, the Office of Recreation is offering free group exercise classes! Come on over and attend a class. Wednesday, March 13 | Falcon Fitness Class Schedule   Yoga | 8:15-9 a.m. | Studio B  BODYPUMP™ | Noon to 12:45 p.m. | Studio B  Strength Circuits | 5:30-6:15 p.m. | Studio B  Cycle | 5:30-6:15 p.m. | Studio A  Stretch & Relax | 6:30-7 p.m. | Studio B  Zumba | 8-8:45 p.m. | Studio B  Directions: Group exercise classes are offered in Studio A and B, on the lowest level of the student rec center. If you enter from the front entrance (facing Ridge St and Kreisher), take two stairs down. If entering from the back entrance (facing Mercer Rd & Ice Arena), take one level of stairs down. As a reminder, after 7 p.m., Lot X directly behind the rec center is free. Questions? Contact Ashley Hartman at Learn more about Falcon Fitness >>  ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events, and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

Midterm Grading Period

Wed, Mar 13, 2024

Midterms: Wednesday, Oct. 9 - Sunday, Oct. 20 Midterm grades are your mid-semester check-in. During this time, it's important to review feedback your instructor may provide and consider "What would my final grade be if the semester ended today?" Check your BGSU email often for messages from your BGSU Student Success Team.  Access Your Midterm Grades.  
This is a past event.

Midterm Grading Period

Wed, Mar 13, 2024

Midterms: Monday, Feb. 24 - Sunday, March 26 Midterm grades are your mid-semester check-in. During this time, it's important to review feedback your instructor may provide and consider "What would my final grade be if the semester ended today?" Check your BGSU email often for messages from your BGSU Student Success Team.  Access Your Midterm Grades.  
This is a past event.


Wed, Mar 13, 2024

Hayes Hall, Contact the Office of Student Housing for more details.

25 lucky winners will get to pick a room in the residence hall of their choice before room selection officially begins, for themself AND a roommate of their choice! That's up to 50 winners – and the earlier you sign your housing agreement, the more chances you have to win! [HOW TO ENTER] Sign your 2024-25 Housing & Dining Agreement between Jan. 3 through April 30, 2024. You must be a new student admitted to BGSU for the Fall 2024 Semester to qualify. The month you sign your Housing & Dining Agreement determines how many entries you have into the contest. Each month five winners will be selected. Jan. 3-31 = 4 total entries Feb. 1-29 = 3 total entries March 1-31 = 2 total entries April 1-30 = 1 total entry This year, an additional 5 students who sign their Housing & Dining Agreement on Jan. 3 will be selected to pick their room before selection!  COMPLETE YOUR HOUSING AGREEMENT TODAY ➔ If you win, you can pick a bed in Centennial Hall, Conklin Hall, McDonald Hall, Kreischer or Offenhauer Towers – for yourself and one new BGSU student of your choice. New students who wish to live in Founders Hall must be members of the Honors Learning Community. Because of this, Founders Hall will not be available to select through this giveaway. The randomized drawing will occur by the third day of each month up until May 3. The Office of Student Housing will reach out to each winner through BGSU email and the phone number on file (make sure you have your voicemail box set up!). If a winner doesn't respond within 24 hours, their right to the prize will be forfeited, and a new winner will be selected. Upon accepting the prize of picking a room before standard room selection, winners agree to participate in social media and other marketing efforts to promote the giveaway. When contacted, the Office of Student Housing will discuss with each winner how to select a room for themself and their chosen roommate. _____________ [IMPORTANT DETAILS] Students are not required to have their $200 initial housing payment made to be eligible to win. However, before any student can be assigned to a room, the initial housing payment must be paid. The additional student who is pulled into the room by a winner must have their housing and meal plan agreement signed and paid their $200 initial payment at the time of the room selection. They must also be a new incoming student admitted at BGSU to qualify. This prize does not offer any discount on the housing rate, and each student assigned to a room through this giveaway will be responsible for the full payment of the room in accordance with their student bill. Cancellations to the agreement by May 1, 2024, will receive a 100% refund and will not be billed. Cancellations after May 1, 2024, will be granted in accordance with the forfeiture schedule. If the winner does not submit an eligible student to be their roommate by the Office of Student Housing deadline, the remaining space will be forfeited. Once a student has won one of the 20 prizes, they will no longer be eligible to win the remaining prizes for this giveaway. Students who have agreed to be the roommate of one of the winners will also not be eligible. The beds selected by the winner and their roommate must be assigned to the same building. Any student who is assigned to a room through this giveaway does not have the right to their room assignment. If one of the students decides to do a room change into a different room/building or cancels their contract, the vacant bed will open up to standard room selection, and a random roommate may be assigned. Returning students who will be enrolled full-time at BGSU are not eligible to win.  The Office of Student Housing is not responsible for prize notifications being marked as spam, junk or otherwise hidden from the recipient.
This is a past event.

Commuter Student Shuttles

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 8am to 10am

Various Parking Lots

As part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, commuter students can hitch a golf cart ride to class from various parking lots around campus thanks to the Office of the President, Office of Orientation and Transitions, BGSU Dining and the Office of Health & Wellness and Recreation. 
This is a past event.

Radbill Drive-In and PAWS Dogs

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 8am to 9pm

Mitchell B. McLeod Hall, 314

Whether you are a commuter student looking for a place to hang out between classes, or a transfer student who is looking to get connected to BGSU, the Radbill Center is for you. The Radbill Center is in 314 McLeod Hall and we appreciate Commuter and Transfer students! On Wednesday, March 13 we will be hosting a Radbill Drive-In with vintage movies, popcorn, coffee bar, fort building, puzzles and more! PAWS dogs are available from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

Library Lounge Coffee and Pastries

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 9am to 11am

Jerome Library, Off Campus Student Lounge (1st floor)

University Libraries will have coffee and pastries available for transfer and commuter students on Wednesday, March 13 from 9-11 a.m. This event will be held in the off-campus student lounge located on the first floor of Jerome Library. UL branded giveaway items (chapstick, sunglasses, etc.) will also be available. ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

Resources and Swag Drop-In

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 9am to 12pm

Central Hall, 253

Stop by Central Hall during Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day to connect with Academic Advising and Planning and grab some FREE BGSU swag! ------------------------------- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events, and a day to show special appreciation for being you.
This is a past event.

Commuter and Transfer Student Appreciation Day Coffee Truck

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 10am to 1pm

The truck will be located Outside Hayes Hall by the BGSU letters

Calling all commuters and transfer students:  Join us on campus Wednesday, March 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for Commuter and Transfer Student Appreciation Day! Travelin Toms Coffee Truck is rolling back onto campus, serving up FREE coffee for the first 200 commuter and transfer students. The truck will be located outside Hayes Hall by the BGSU letters. Coffee will also be available to purchase for all students.
This is a past event.

Appreciation Brunch for Transfer & Commuter Student

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 10am to 12pm

University Hall, 303

Stop by the Office of the Dean of Students for free brunch including coffee and food from Einstein Bagels! Free giveaways include fidgets, coloring pages and resources for transfer and commuter students. Representatives from USG will be present to facilitate feedback and conversation.  ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

Coffee Truck at the Oval

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 10am to 1pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Outside at the Oval

Commuter and transfer students are invited to the coffee truck at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union Oval for a free beverage sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement! Freddie and Frieda could make a surprise appearance. ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

Cookie and Beverage Bar

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 11am to 1pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, 220

Stop by the Off Campus Student Lounge (2nd floor) in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union and grab a free hot drink and a cookie sponsored by BGSU Dining (while supplies last). ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

Grad Daze at Falcon Outfitters

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 11am to 6pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Falcon Outfitters

“Grad Daze” will be held Wednesday, March 13 and Thursday, March 14 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Falcon Outfitters inside the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. Jostens representatives will be available with a variety of graduation items. Caps and gowns will be available to purchase, and you can pick up honors cords (if eligible) at this time. Falcon Outfitters is open daily for you to purchase your cap and gown, or other graduation items.  Items are also available online.
This is a past event.

RAD Study Hours with PAWS

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 11am to 12:30pm

Mitchell B. McLeod Hall, Room 314, Radbill Center

Therapy dog visits at the Radbill Center.  Wednesdsays | 11 – 12:30 pm | Radbill Center  Jan 10 &24, Feb 7 & 28, Mar 13 & 27, April 10 & 24  Send questions or comments to Ashley Hartman at and 419-372-4584.  If you are struggling with your mental health contact the Counseling Center. An on-call counselor is available at 419-372-2081 for crisis situations from 8:00 a.m. to 5pm Monday-Friday. You can also utilize the Wood County Crisis Line at 419-502-4673 after Counseling Center business hours. The Crisis Text Line is also available. Text HOME to 741741 for a crisis counselor or text STEVE to 741741 for a culturally competent crisis counselor. You can also text or dial 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor 24/7. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance, or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.
This is a past event.

Mastering Mindsets - Wednesday Life Design Workshop Series for Students

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 11:30am to 12:30pm

Mitchell B. McLeod Hall, Life Design Lab - McLeod Hall 314K

Are you familiar with the life design mindsets but wondered how exactly you can practice and develop these mindsets? The Mastering Mindset Series focuses on principles and practices to utilize life design mindsets more effectively in life, work, academics, and relationships.  To accommodate busy student schedules, each workshop will be 60 minutes long and offered on Wednesdays from 11:30a-12:30p or Thursdays from 1-2p for six weeks, one week focused on each mindset. This registration is for the Wednesday series. Please use the Register link above to secure your spot. Use this link if you'd rather attend on Thursday: Students are welcome to register for individual sessions or the entire series.  For those who complete the entire series, they will earn an exclusive Mastering Mindset Life Design t-shirt and a Mastering Mindset certificate which includes suggestions on how to translate this learning experience onto your resume. Wednesday, February 21 - Take Action Wednesday, February 28 - Be Curious Wednesday, March 13 - Reframe Wednesday, March 20 - Collaborate Wednesday, March 27 - Embrace the Process Wednesday, April 3 - Share the Story For questions, please email or call 419-372-5533  
This is a past event.

Popcorn Giveaway

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 11:30am to 12:30pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Kuhlin Career Hub

Transfer and commuter students are invited to stop by the Kuhlin Hub to be celebrated and get in touch with campus resources.  ----- This event is part of Transfer and Commuter Student Appreciation Day, where BGSU celebrates commuter and transfer students all across campus. Join us for free giveaways, special events and a day to show special appreciation just for being you.
This is a past event.

PAWS Therapy Dog Well-Being Series

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 12pm to 1pm

Student Recreation Center, Conference Room

Join the PAWS Team for discussions on well-being topics. These small group PAWS visits provide a space to relax with therapy dogs will explore your personal well-being journey. This program is open to faculty, staff and students. Registration is required.  Register for events PAWS Well-Being Series: Self-Care  Friday, Jan. 25 | Noon-1 p.m. | Student Recreation Center, Conference Room Learn how to develop a unique and authentic plan to prioritize yourself and your needs.  PAWS Well-Being Series: Imposter Syndrome  Thursday, Feb. 8 | Noon-1 p.m. | Student Recreation Center, Conference Room  Imposter syndrome is common in school and in the workplace. Learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and achieve your goals in your personal and professional life.  PAWS Well-Being Series: Managing Stress Tuesday March 13 | Noon-1 p.m. | Student Recreation Center, Conference Room  Ongoing stress can lead to physical and mental health problems. Learn how to complete the stress cycle.  PAWS Well-Being Series: Boundaries & Healthy Social Support Wednesday, March 20 | Noon-1 p.m. | Student Recreation Center, Conference Room Many people struggle with developing a healthy social circle. Join this discussion on developing a healthy support system, advocate for your needs within relationships and implement boundaries.  PAWS Well-Being Series: Self-Compassion Friday, April 5 | Noon-1 p.m. | Student Recreation Center, Conference Room We often are our own worst critic. Join this discussion on theory-based practices to promote self-compassion and learn how to be your own best ally. Send questions or comments to Ashley Hartman at and 419-372-4584.  If you are struggling with your mental health contact the Counseling Center. An on-call counselor is available at 419-372-2081 for crisis situations from 8:00 a.m. to 5pm Monday-Friday. You can also utilize the Wood County Crisis Line at 419-502-4673 after Counseling Center business hours. The Crisis Text Line is also available. Text HOME to 741741 for a crisis counselor or text STEVE to 741741 for a culturally competent crisis counselor. You can also text or dial 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor 24/7. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance, or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.
This is a past event.

Therapy Dog Well-Being Series

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 12pm to 1pm

Student Recreation Center, Conference Room

Hosted by the Office of Health & Wellness Regsiter | Join the PAWS Team for discussions on well-being topics. These small group PAWS visits provide a space to relax with therapy dogs and explore your personal well-being journey. This program is open to faculty, staff, and students. Registration is required. Managing Stress Tues | Mar 13 | 12 – 1 pm | Student Rec Center Conference Room Boundaries & Healthy Social Support Wed | Mar 20 | 12 – 1 pm | Student Rec Center Conference Room Self-Compassion Fri | Apr 5 | 12 – 1 pm | Student Rec Center Conference Room Questions? Contact Ashley Hartman at  If you are struggling with your mental health, contact the Counseling Center. An on-call counselor is available at 419-372-2081 for crises from 8:00 a.m. to 5pm Monday-Friday. You can also utilize the Wood County Crisis Line at 419-502-4673 after Counseling Center business hours. The Crisis Text Line is also available. Text HOME to 741741 for a crisis counselor or text STEVE to 741741 for a culturally competent crisis counselor. You can also text or dial 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor 24/7. To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance, or appropriate modifications to fully participate in this event by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us before the event.
This is a past event.

Advantages of Digital Over Film/How Indoor Theatres Went From One Screen to Multiple

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 12:30pm to 2pm

Foundation Hall Room 204

We will look at the advantages that made digital images so appealing to studios, along with how indoor cinemas became the multiplexes we know and go to today. Learn more at
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