Bowling Green State University

Events: August 26, 2024

Aug 25 Aug 27
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First Day of Fall 2024 Semester

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

Yay! It's the first day of the Fall 2024 semester. Check out the Fall Academic Calendar for important dates! 
This is a past event.

Interested in Joining a Multicultural Greek Organization? (fraternities and sororities)

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) is a governing body that oversees multicultural or culturally-based fraternities and sororities on college and university campuses. The MGC organizations at BGSU include Omega Phi Alpha and Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. If you are interested in joining one of these organizations, fill out the intent to join form to receive more information. At Bowling Green State University, the Multicultural Greek Council is a place for our organizations with a spotlight on equality, diversity, and progress to gather and lead the efforts for the campus. These organizations promote the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants and refugees, LatinX and Hispanic populations, and many more. Together, they provide hands-on service to these causes and bring education to our fraternity and sorority community about pressing issues and crises.
This is a past event.

Intramural Golf League | September 23 - October 24

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

Stone Ridge Golf Club in Bowling Green, OH

6 Rounds of 9-Hole Golf at BG Country Club 923 Fairview Ave., Bowling Green, OH 43402 Mondays| 3 - 4 PM plus 2 anytime passes Weekly individual or team prizes from Pro Shop Enrollment Limit: 32 per day Cost: $150 | Registration Deadline: September 12 Cart and range included | Golfers must have their own clubs Passes issued for weather cancellations Sign up online: For More Information: | 419.372.2464
This is a past event.

Intramural Registration

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

Perry Field House

Sign up now for fall semester Intramural Sports! Intramural Sports provides BGSU students/faculty/staff a wide variety of competitive activities for players of all skill levels and interests. Qualified staff provide a fun, yet structured environment that focuses on the health, safety and developmental needs of all Intramural Sports participants. Individual, dual and team activities are available. Play unlimited sports with several seasons offered each semester Co-rec, men's and women's sports offered. One Semester: $50/pp Academic Year: $90/pp Sports vary and are all listed at Fall Season I September 16 - October 24 Fall Season II October 26 - December 6 Volleyball Cornhole Ultimate Frisbee Outdoor and Indoor Flag Football Futsal Basketball Ping-Pong Soccer Wallyball Golf Pickleball Spikeball Golf Wiffle Ball Badminton Kickball See all the details and sign up at  
This is a past event.

Sign up for Interfraternity Council (fraternity) Recruitment

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

The Interfraternity Council will host its formal recruitment process from Sept. 15-22. If you would like to engage in this recruitment process, register before it's too late. The Interfraternity Council is the coordinating and governing body for its member chapters. The mission of the Interfraternity Council at BGSU is to obtain and continuously build men who are committed to upholding and representing the values of academic excellence, civic engagement, leadership, accountability to shared standards, and positive relations within the community. The IFC establishes and coordinates all recruitment activities, promotes, and supervises academic achievement, governs the actions of its member chapters, and promotes community service projects throughout the year and establishes bonds and maintains a common ground with all fraternities. It is the goal of all members of the Interfraternity Council of Bowling Green State University to be positive leaders on campus.
This is a past event.

Sign up for Panhellenic (sorority) Recruitment!

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

The College Panhellenic Conference will be hosting its formal recruitment process! If you want to engage in one of these recruitment processes, register before it's too late.  The College Panhellenic Conference is the coordinating body of the 11 National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) chapters at BGSU. Panhellenic membership at BGSU is an experience that will shape your college career and provide value beyond your years as a Falcon. Fraternity and sorority life has become an integral part of the University's culture and tradition, and our community is proud to uphold the values of what it means to be Greek! Membership in any Panhellenic chapter will offer opportunities for individual growth, scholarship, service, and life-long membership. As one of the largest women's organizations on campus, we strive to ensure the Panhellenic community upholds its daily traditions and excellence. Together, we maintain a dedication to putting academics first and giving back to the community!
This is a past event.

Want to join one of our NPHC Organizations? (fraternities and sororities)

Mon, Aug 26, 2024

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is a collaborative organization composed of nine historically Black Greek-letter organizations (BGLOs) or sororities and fraternities. NPHC was founded in 1930 at Howard University in Washington, D.C., with the purpose of fostering unity and cooperation among its member organizations and advocating for the interests of Black college students. To learn more about NPHC, fill out the intent to join form.  The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is an umbrella organization for nine historically black, inter/national Greek-lettered organizations that evolved during a period when African-Americans were being denied essential rights and privileges afforded to other college students. Today, the primary purpose and focus of member organizations remains community awareness and action through educational, economic, and cultural service activities. The individual member is also expected to align with a graduate and/or alumni chapter, following graduation from college to perpetuate the purpose of the council and their individual organizations.
This is a past event.

Commuter Student Shuttles

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 8am to 10am

Lot 1 and various commuter student parking lots

Commuter students can hitch a free golf cart ride to class from Lot 1 and surrounding commuter parking lots between 8-10 a.m. thanks to the Office of Orientation and Transitions and other friendly campus partners.
This is a past event.

Snoopy Coloring Contest

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 8am

Jerome Library, Browne Popular Culture Library (4th Floor)

Show off your artistic skills for a chance to win a $25 gift card! Visit the Browne Popular Culture Library to pick up a Snoopy coloring sheet, submit your entry and/or vote for your favorite coloring sheets.   Every current BGSU student is eligible to enter and win the coloring contest. Submissions and voting are open from Monday, Aug. 26, to Thursday, Sept. 5 at 5 p.m.  All BGSU community members can vote for a winner in three award categories: most creative, cutest and fan favorite.  The winners will be announced on Friday, Sept. 6 at noon via email and the BPCL’s Instagram, @popculturelib. All three winners will each receive a $25 gift card! The Browne Popular Culture Library is kicking off the school year by celebrating all things Snoopy. Be sure to check out our exhibit of Snoopy in popular culture and browse some of our Peanuts comics, including a special display of Peanuts comics translated into foreign languages! Our Snoopy celebration will last throughout the month of September.  ------------------------ Weeks of Welcome Aug. 21-Oct. 4 | This event is part of  Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own Ultimate BGSU Experience. Visit the WOW homepage for the most up-to-date details.
This is a past event.

"Let's Talk" - Free drop-in counseling consultations

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 11am to 12pm

Health and Human Services, Room 107

"Let's Talk" is a free and confidential service available to all BGSU students. Students can meet for a brief, informal, 15-minute consultation with BGSU Counseling Center staff. They can listen to specific problems, help explore solutions and introduce you to what it’s like to speak with a member of the staff.  Please note: "Let's Talk" does not take the place of therapy, and consultations are not appropriate for urgent concerns or mental health emergencies. During the consultation, BGSU clinicians will listen to your concerns and offer support, information and resources.   Learn more about "Let's Talk">> __________________________________________________________ As the BGSU Counseling Center, we welcome all students and aspire to respect cultural, individual and role differences. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive, and affirming climate for individuals of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, gender identities, sexual/affectional orientations, religions, ages, abilities, sizes, socioeconomic statuses, languages and cultures. We invite you to start designing your individualized care plan with us by exploring all of the counseling services we have to offer you.
This is a past event.

Falcon First Day Photos

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 11am to 1pm

Union Oval

The iconic BGSU letters in the Bowen-Thompson Quadrangle serve as the backdrop for your first-day photos with the social media team! Take a "first day of class" picture and ask any questions you may have about your first week or first week back on campus.  ⛈️ Please note that activities, dates and times are subject to change. For the most up-to-date details, please refer back to this page. ------------------------ Weeks of Welcome Aug. 21-Oct. 4 | This event is part of Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own Ultimate BGSU Experience.
This is a past event.

Meet Up Monday (Commuter and Transfer Students)

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 11am to 1pm

Bowen-Thompson Student Union, 220

Commuter and Transfer Students are invited to stop by the Off-Campus Student Lounge in the Bowen-Thompson Studen Union, Room 220 for free giveaways and a chance to connect with other commuter students. Get your questions answered, and check out one of the spaces designated just for you! ------------------------ Weeks of Welcome Aug. 21-Oct. 4 | This event is part of Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own Ultimate BGSU Experience.
This is a past event.

Textbook Purchasing Event

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 3pm to 6pm

Jerome Library, Atrium

Personalized assistance with textbook purchases will be offered on a walk-in basis. Knowledgeable staff members will be available to answer questions, provide guidance, and help you navigate the virtual bookstore's online platform. Can't make it to this event? Find future events and virtual appointment scheduling.   ------------------------ Weeks of Welcome Aug. 21-Oct. 4 | This event is part of Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own Ultimate BGSU Experience.
This is a past event.

Free Climbing at the Student Recreation Center

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 6pm to 9pm

Student Recreation Center, Climbing Wall

New this year, use of the clilmbing wall at the Student Recreation Center is free for current BGSU students! Equipment is FREE to use while climbing, and all experience levels are welcome. Regular Academic Year Hours: Monday - Thursday: 6 - 9 PM Labor Day: Monday, September 2: Closed Fall Break: Monday & Tuesday, October 7 & 8: Closed Veterans Day: Monday, November 11: Closed Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday & Thursday, November 27 & 28: Closed Exam Week: Closed Winter Break: Closed For More Information Julia Adams: 419.372.7485, Check out more information on the climbing wall at the SRC! ------------------------ Weeks of Welcome Aug. 21-Oct. 4 | This event is part of Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own Ultimate BGSU Experience.
This is a past event.

Tryouts Day 1

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 6:30pm to 8pm

BGSU Intramural Fields

This is day 1 of tryouts for the Fall 2024 season! We recommend anyone with recent soccer experience to try out. We take up to22 girls, 20 field players, and 2 goalkeepers. Although this is an open tryout, there will be cuts made if necessary. We love to havefun, but we also are a competitive team. If you plan on trying out, I would bring shinguards (if you want to wear them), water, cleats,and a size 5 soccer ball. If you have any questions before tryouts or want more information, feel free to follow our Instagram page@bgwclubsoccer, or email the contact person below. Do not be afraid to reach out! We hope to see you at tryouts! Learn more at
This is a past event.

BGSU Men's Soccer at Michigan State

Mon, Aug 26, 2024 7pm to 9pm

East Lansing, Mich.

BGSU Men's Soccer at Michigan State TV: B1G+ Streaming Video: Tickets:
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