Bowling Green State University

Be curious and find your people at one of the largest events during Weeks of Welcome.

Campus Fest is where you discover ways to enhance your BGSU experience. An annual fair that features over 300+ student organizations, local merchants, community partners and University offices at display tables spanning the entire BTSU quad.

Be sure to give yourself lots of time to walk around, this event is perfect for getting familiar with middle campus. Conquer Campus Fest in one loop or take it slow and come and go at your leisure.


Weeks of Welcome
Aug. 15-Oct. 2 | This event is part of  Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own ultimate BGSU experience. Visit the WOW homepage to find all of the festivities!

Please note: Activities, dates and times are subject to change. Please refer to the WOW homepage for the most up-to-date details.

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