Monday, September 16, 2024 11am to 2pm
About this Event
Bowen-Thompson Student Union 1001 E Wooster St , Bowling Green, OH 43402 #hirefalconsThe Kuhlin Career Hub is excited to announce the BGSU Career EXPO Week 2024 - five days to kickstart your career!
The Kuhlin Hub Career EXPO Week is a week-long event that allows BGSU students and alumni to engage with top local and national employers, opening doors to an extensive network of professionals. By spanning an entire week, this college-specific networking experience provides an environment for one-on-one interactions with employers seeking talented past and present Falcons to fill full-time and internship roles. It is a week dedicated to unlocking professional potential, fostering connections, and facilitating pathways to success!
Student registration is encouraged but not required. View the full list of employers attending this day of the Career EXPO Week. The registration list of employers attending is subject to change daily.
You may contact the Kuhlin Career Hub at 419-372-2356 or for more information and assistance.
Weeks of Welcome
Aug. 21-Oct. 4 | This event is part of Weeks of Welcome, which begins at move-in and extends through Fall Break. During this celebration, explore opportunities hosted by the campus community that will help you embrace the adventure of creating your own Ultimate BGSU Experience.
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