Tuesday, March 10, 2020 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
Bowen-Thompson Student Union 1001 E Wooster St , Bowling Green, OH 43402
https://www.bgsu.edu/student-government/graduate-student-senate/GetInvolved/20202021Elections.html #graduatestudents
Graduate Student Senate, the governing body for graduate students at Bowling Green State University, is committed to being an efficient and effective governance organization for its constituents. We work to represent the 3,000 graduate students at Bowling Green State University to the faculty, staff, administration, and town.
Are you interested in becoming more involved in the senate next year? This is an exceptional opportunity to provide you with a unique leadership experience where you can represent and advocate for graduate students to the university.
Attend an information session to learn more about the positions and the election process.
For more information, go to
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