Tuesday, November 1, 2022 8pm
About this Event
Moore Musical Arts Center, Bowling Green, OH 43403
#bgsucmaThe Percussion Ensemble will perform a free concert.
Ihvustú I (2021).................................................................Finola Merivale (b. 1987)
Earth Interval (1956)................................................Doris Dennison (1908-2009)
I. Land Form
II. Air Tide
III. Earth Play
Orpheus at the Gate (2022)...............................................Judah Adashi (b. 1975)
4. I shall play till the days golden machinery / stops
Timbrack Quartet (1978).................................................Michael Udow (b. 1949)
The Atmos Clock (2012).......................................................Brian Nozny (b. 1977)
Two Ritmicas (1930)................................................Amadeo Roldán (1900-1939) Ritmica No. 6
Ritmica No. 5
Sam Batty
Kyle Bergler
David Esselburn
Jayden Hall
Matthew Graves
Clay Hoffner
Kaitlynn Kamer
Elijah Kuszmaul
Kathryn Mahoney
Claire Miller
Sidney Rindler
Frank Sanzo
Tate Stewart
Ian Weil
Emma Zemancik
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