Bowling Green State University

Mitchell B. McLeod Hall N College Dr, Bowling Green, OH 43403

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Need a location to study with your friends? Want to work on a group project? Or just want to be around other students to hold yourself accountable? Take action by coming to study in the Radbill Center on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. These study sessions will be hosted by Life Design Student Ambassadors who bring fun energy to long study nights! Study Nights in the Rad begin September 11st and continue until December 4th. Snacks will be provided!

The Radbill Center, known as the RAD, is a space for all students to find their place on campus. With a coffee (and tea and hot chocolate) station, along with tables and comfortable seating, the RAD is a great place to hang out, study, work on group projects or relax! Open 8 am - 9 pm Monday - Thursday, and 8 am - 5 pm on Friday.

For questions, please email or call 419-372-5533  

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