Fri, Apr 4, 2025 5pm to 10pm
Jerome Library, Pallister Conference Room
On Friday, April 4th, Take Back the Night will be returning to Bowling Green State University in the Jerome Library’s Pallister Conference Room from 5:00p-10:00p.
Take Back the Night is an active demonstration, protest, and empowerment event for individuals who have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence, or stalking. In addition to local efforts, Take Back the Night is recognized annually across the country. This event is held to provide a safe, supportive, and uplifting space for individuals to speak out about the violence in their lives, mourn those who have lost their lives due to violence, advocate for those living with violence, and be in community.
5:00-6:15p Resource Fair and Community Art
6:15-7:00p Welcome Program
7:15-8:15p March
8:30-9:30p Survivor Speak-Out
9:30-10:00p Closing Activity
To individuals with disabilities, please indicate if you need additional services, assistance, or modifications to fully participate in this event either by contacting the CWGE or Accessibility Services at or 419-372-8495. Please notify Accessibility Services prior to the event.
If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Women and Gender Equity (CWGE) office at
CONTENT WARNING: This event will share the stories of those who have been impacted by violence. Please be aware of your own well-being and take time to process.